
Due Date: June 30th
Who Can Submit: Anyone of any faith (or lack of faith.)
Topics: TBA
Compensation: $5 per published submission, as well as a free year subscription to Cross Quarterly.

Send any questions and all submissions to CrossQuarterly @ gmail . com

  • What can I submit?
    We accept essays, poems, artwork, personal stories, mythology, researched history, and more! If you're not sure we'll accept your work, send us an email and we'll let you know.

  • Can I submit something that doesn't relate to the focus topic?
    If it still relates to religion, magic, and interfaith--Yes! We may or may not end up using it for the issue, but there is no harm in submitting. We are always looking for pieces that inform and open discussion. 

  • What I believe isn't "____", can I still submit something about my beliefs?
    Yes! We welcome any and all beliefs (or lack there of) to join in our discourse.

Submit Your Writing and Art!
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